Les Habitants du
Petit Fort |
Here Follows a list of all the References and Documentation for the Historical debates presented within these pages.
What was le Petit Fort? [i] Historical marker erected by the Daughters of the Revolution, Indiana Dunes State Park, Indiana. [ii] Powell A. Moore, The Calumet Region: Indiana’s Last Frontier. (Indiana Historical Bureau: Indianapolis, 1959), 31-32. [iii] De Peyster to Powell, January 8, 1781, in Michigan Pioneer and Historical Collections, 19:591-592. [iv] Albert Scharf, Plan of “City West”, 1836, Tremont Station, 1916, Albert F. Scharf Collection, Maps, Chicago Historical Society, V2:115. This is a copy of Hull’s 1812 map made by researcher Albert F. Scharf which includes quotes from Hull’s journal on the map. A copy of Hull’s 1812 map, courtesy of John F. Steward, Plano, Illinois, can also be found on the back inside cover of George A. Brennan, The Wonders of the Dunes (Bobbs-Merrill Company: Indianapolis, 1923). [v] Journal of Lieutenant James Strode Swearington, August 15, 1803, in Olga Mae Schiemann, Duneland Historical Society Papers, September, 1955, Westchester Public Library, Chesterton, Indiana. [vi] Albert Scharf, In Rememberance of Leiut. James Strode Swearington’s Journal, Detriot, July 14, 1803: Maps of Indian Trails and Villages, 1916, Albert F. Scharf Collection, Maps, Chicago Historical Society, V2:111. [vii] George A. Brennan, The Wonders of the Dunes, 39. Who built le Petit Fort? [i] Personal correspondence to Dr. Joseph Peyser, January 26, 2002 What le Petit Fort Might Have Looked Liked? [i] Attack at Michilimackinac: Alexander Henry’s Travels and Adventures in Canda and the Indian Territories Between the Years 1760 and 1764, David A. Armour, ed.,(Mackinac Island, Michigan: Mackinac State Historic Parks, fifth printing, 1995), 10. [ii] Pierre Francois Xavier de Charlevoix, J. D. Ply, ed. Fort Saint Joseph Historical Leaflet, No. 1. (Niles, Michigan: Fort Saint Joseph Historical Association, 1942), 6-7. [iii] Peter Kalm, Travels in North America: The English Version of 1770 (New York: Dover Publications, 1987), Adolph B. Benson, ed. 40
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